Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Cycle of Bananas..

After all..

Pittyness isn't forever. Somehow, the fate and the goddess of fortune have turned-up upon us, especially for Bintang (also Rifky and Edo, but in this post we'll talk about Bintang).

Some people believe that someday life will change. And Bintang has it all.

Now, Bintang has the most shinniest star among The Bananas. How come?? This explanation will explain the truth.

1. He has hooked two girls, The "8" and The "22"..
2. He has a giok necklace. We believe that necklace brings luck and charm to him.
3. He has "hoki" face. He has a wide forehead which some people describe him as a "wiseman"
4. Now, he's busy on planning to watch movie and teach his classmate eventually..
5. Just like his name as Star,, means giving brightness to others and inspirations as another..
6. His business empire is growing fast,,
7. His skill in singing is very sophisticated and adorable,, like Josh Grobin and Michael Bubin..
8. He is very kind and caring to others,, especially to women.. And most of them are beautiful women..
9. he has a good skill on picking up women with his talent on pick-up words when meeting a beautiful woman especially on a ferry ship or in a restaurant and night clubs.
10. He's a very stylist person. He always wear long-sleeve shirt or polo shirt complete with his necklace and bracelet and his adorable hairstyle..
11. He is a very ambitious person,, his ambitions are able to hook many women..
12. His photos collection break the Indonesian Record Museum too.. The total photos in his Friendster are above 110 photos,, (it makes the connection slower when you open his profile..)
13. At last..he's confused to choose one of two girls, The "8" or The "22" which both love him..ooh..poor & lucky, magnificent Bintang...

aat, rifky, rendy - we proud of you, bintang

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