Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

Feel Life

halo cuyers..

"i need a resolution for this year..i mean, we ain't going anywhere..i called it static..yes, and for me there are thousands of reason to get up, get something and be involved in such activity..
static is boring..yet you couldn't get something if you sit and do nothing.."
-rendy & edo on an afternoon discussion-

does it make any sense, the world is rotating..and in the same time..people in the earth is moving..across the neighbour, across the town, across the ocean, across the continent.. people do stuff..they are moving..for what reason? people do things what they wanna do..its like the rules of attraction thingy..people tend to attracted to thing they like, or what they wanna be..

many people do things to keep survive, and many do things to make their life better..
is it your job, your relationship, or your search for spiritual belongingness..
and in the end..people move to make their life parents go to work, childern go to school, and when you go out, you see people are moving..

one you called activity. i called it a force to search for happiness..

"back to the what are we doing now?just sitting around..c'moon..that's lame..!"

what we need is something..a thing called passion, just to move forward and be a better person..
in the end, life is not about how you achived in..its about the proccess..

when you feeling down on failure, or you suceeded in something, just think like this..the journey is not over until you thing leads to another..its like you writing on an empty book..and every ink you put in it, is the mixture of emotion .. you cannot write a lie..coz what you the things that happen..and each your journey..

there is no failure in life..

coz there is no blank pages

for me..every people has it own book..

me too..and i'm about to write on it..

-DiNas a.k.a Rendy The Naas-

Taste bananas..

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...


yups..saatnya kita mulai hidup baru cuy...hey ini udah 1 tahun yang lalu kita buat resolusi yang sama...dan hasilnya kita bisa dapetin apa yang kita mau..!!its a fantastic job!!..fantastic dream..!cos we are fantastic bananas...hoho

Anonim mengatakan...

tahun 2008 harus bisa gak naas lagi nehh... tapi gimana dong?? kalo gak naas berarti gak bananas lagi dong???
hahaha... kita ganti "BACHELOR" aja gimana??? BAtang2 CHEntil doyan koLOR

fantasticplasticbananas mengatakan...


Bob, Bob, aneh2 lo dah..

Ya benar tahun 2008 tahun anti naas!!

mau lulus2 cuy

Anonim mengatakan...



Bob, Bob, aneh2 lo dah..

Ya benar tahun 2008 tahun anti naas!!

mau lulus2 cuy