Minggu, 16 November 2008


A face pretty much tells you about anything. Blinking eyes and blowing nose, none of them seem to be okay right now. im wandering all day long in my bedroom. Tiredly lay down and thinking of ways to pull my body right into shape again. This uncanny feeling you get after a long night in the night club always screw you up in the morning. A hangover some people called. Yup, i was drunk last night, i know my body doesnt get along well with alcohol, especially when i drink a lot, haha.. but hey, what the heck, people need to chill out sometimes (i had to break my pledge not to drink anymore).

Lately my brain is full of thought, After years of expensive education, i just dont know why i still ended up being drunk. I just cant elude the world around me. Im a new grown up man and people seem to rely on me more, you know, when you become a twenty something, there are lots of if’s coming out of your mind. Maybe start off a career, i guess with the scholar degree i can find a good job, but the world dont need scholars as much as i thought. Or maybe i’ll just start to falling love again, i wonder it could solve all the problem for a while. well, love is not the answer ren..

If somebody asking me why i did this, its just because i need to sort things out a little bit. Fancy myself on things so unclear. Maybe there’s something missing in my life. Just a tiny part but really necessary. Someday people like me will understand. When you finding ways of getting to know yourself better there are so many ups and downs. I m just trying to get used to the process. Even if i dont find it this year, it will be one of the things that im trying to shortlist for the coming year.

im just a twenty something and i guess that’s the key.. :)

REN the wanderer

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

the process of entering into adulthood is more lengthy and complex than has usually been imagined. it begins around 17 and continues until 33.A young man needs about 15 years to emerge from adolescence, find his place in adult society and commit himself to a more stable life (Daniel J. Levinson, Season of A Man's Life, 1978).

so don't worry you're not alone experiencing the confusion.. it's just another phase of life to get thru. or maybe it's just the hangover screwed up your mind, you'll be okay soon.. :)

salam kenal ya..